Waiting for Bigfoot

About the Project

Explain how this project will unfold.
- The camping/performance will take place from July 2 - August 20. During this duration, cameras in the campsite and surrounding area will send live images to this website and to the Norwich Gallery, where you can see the images projected. There are two views you can watch - a live view and a view from 12 hours earlier.

Will you be actively looking for Bigfoot?
- Most Bigfoot encounters occur when people are just camping or hiking or generally *not* looking for Bigfoot, so I don't feel compelled to spend my time Bigfoot hunting. I will, however, be exploring the areas in a manner that might be conducive to an encounter.

What is "conducive" to an encounter?
- I will refrain from using scented body products, and will refrain from bathing with soap at all. I will swim in a nearby river for general cleanliness. I will also set apples in a remote vicinity about a mile from my site, in hopes of getting a footprint. I will play a variety of Bigfoot audio recordings in the evening to encourage a return call.

What kind of equipment are you using?
- In short: Three cameras equipped with infrared capabilities will capture the campsite and the surrounding area, 24/7. The images are captured, converted to digital files, and sent to the internet through a satellite connection. Everything is powered with solar energy.

Where are you camping?
- The campsite is in Northern California where Bigfoot sightings, prints and calls commonly occur. The exact location cannot be disclosed for privacy and security reasons.

What kind of Bigfoot activity has occurred near your campsite?
- Calls are most commonly reported. Footprints and sightings have also been reported.

Has anyone inspired you to make this art work?
- The people who have exhaustively dedicated their time and energy to investigating Cryptozoology. Also the work of: Carl Jung, Gustav Metzger, Joseph Campbell, John Dewey, Jane Goodall, Samuel Beckett, Arthur Danto, Mircea Eliade, John Baldessari and Robert Smithson.

Have you ever seen Bigfoot?
- Not yet.

Where can I learn more about Bigfoot research?
The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
The Cryptozoologist
Texas Bigfoot Research Center